As a Therapist, maintaining your privacy is my priority. Due to the General Data Protection Regulation, you have a right to know how I collect, disclose, transfer and store your information.
Contact details
Name: Natasha Drury
Email Address:
Office Address: ND Therapy, 91 Princess Street, Manchester, M1 4HT
The type of personal information I collect
I currently collect and process the following personal information:
Date of Birth
Mobile Number
I currently collect and process the following sensitive personal information:
Marital Status
Physical health condition/s and history
Mental health condition/s and history
Offences (included alleged offences)
Name and address of GP
How your information is used
Your information is used only for the purposes of arranging and conducting psychosexual therapy.
Information you share within session is bound by confidentiality unless it involves any of the following:
If I have concerns that you or someone else will come to significant harm
In cases where there are child protection concerns, terrorism, illegal activity and I am bound by law to breach confidentiality.
I may discuss your case in clinical supervision, this is to ensure I am working competently and can assist with the progression of your case. I may also contact your GP or other medical professionals regarding your case.
How I store your personal information
Your information is securely stored on a secure device used only for therapeutic purposes, with no other person having access to it. A mobile phone is used for text/calls relating to appointments only, and is also locked and only accessible for therapy.
Handwritten notes, such as what I write during session, are uploaded to a secure file on the device before being appropriately shredded and securely destroyed.
How long your information is held for
Electronic records are held for 7 years. After this period, all records will be destroyed securely.
Access to your information
You have the right to access the information I hold about you, if you are a current client please ask me about this.
How to complain
If you are unhappy with how I have used your information please contact me in the first instance to discuss.
You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office if you are not satisfied with how I have used your information. The ICO’s address is:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Helpline number: 0303 123 1113
ICO website:
This privacy policy was last updated 7th December 2023.
ND Therapy
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